Policy Statement
Illinois College encourages students to make responsible decisions concerning the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The College does not condone the use of illegal drugs or the illegal use of legal drugs, including alcohol. Students are expected to obey the law and to take full responsibility for their conduct relative to alcohol consumption. All members of the College community are responsible for being fully aware of the requirements of College policy as well as local, state, and federal laws regarding alcohol and other drugs.
Applicability of the Policy
This policy applies to all students and registered student organizations, and their guests on any College owned or leased property, as well as any off-campus facilities used for a College-related activity or involving Illinois College students. Off campus conduct that violates this policy, or any local, state or federal laws regulating drug or alcohol use, will subject a student to disciplinary or other appropriate action.
The “activities” to which this policy applies may include any act or event sponsored or organized by the College, including its constituent administrative and academic units as well as any registered student organizations. Without limitation, activities shall include but will not
necessarily be limited to: all intercollegiate and intramural athletic events, faculty, staff and student meetings, conferences, Greek-lettered organization events, field trips, retreats and all other activities or events for which the College pays any expenses or provides facilities,
services, supplies or transportation.
Enforcement of the Policy
Each member of the campus community is encouraged to support the objectives of this policy. The associate dean of student success and director of student development shall have primary responsibility for monitoring and enforcing this policy for the student body. The associate dean of student success/director of student development along with representatives from Residential Life, Chesley Health & Wellness Center and Templeton Counseling Center, will continue to study, develop and evaluate the program of education for the campus community dealing with the implications of alcohol and drug use. This policy shall be subject to periodic review by the board of trustees working together with students, faculty and administrators for this purpose.
Alcohol or other drugs possessed or consumed in violation of this policy are subject to confiscation and/or disposal and any student in possession of or who has consumed alcohol or other drugs in violation of this policy is subject to the disciplinary process set forth herein, as well as possible criminal prosecution under applicable local, state or federal laws.
As a part of encouraging responsible lifestyles, Illinois College strives to provide education about alcohol and other drug use, encourage responsible choices and intervene in situations where it has knowledge of individual misuse and abuse of chemicals. The College will encourage and provide reasonable help for members of the College community who seek treatment for chemical dependency.
Any violation of the following rules shall be considered an offense subject to disciplinary action by appropriate authorities. The College reserves the right to request assistance from law enforcement officials where local, state or federal laws are being violated.
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol Policy
- Only those students of legal drinking age (21 years and older) may possess or consume alcohol, and then only where all residents are 21 years old or older and all individuals present are 21 years old or older.
- Alcoholic beverages may only be consumed in individual rooms while the room door is closed. Alcohol may not be consumed in hallways, stairways, elevators, lounges, outside on campus property, or any other public area of campus.
- Providing alcohol to a minor or assisting a minor in any way in obtaining alcohol is a violation of state law and is expressly prohibited.
- Students under the legal drinking age, whether personally consuming or not, who are present in where alcohol is present will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Possessing, furnishing, consuming or serving from a common source of alcohol (i.e., kegs, beer balls, punch bowls or other source of 12 or more servings), unless being served and monitored by a licensed vendor after properly registering an event for provision of alcohol at a College activity, is strictly prohibited.
- Alcohol related displays (i.e. signs, glasses, bottles, etc.) are only permitted in a residence hall room if all students who live in the room are 21 years of age or older. No alcohol displays may be visible to the public. Students should note that the possession of alcoholic beverage containers, either full or empty, may be taken as a presumption of use and possession, and as such, may be considered a violation of this policy.
- Drinking games, beer funnels, beer pong tables and other practices or materials that encourage unsafe or rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited.
- Alcohol is prohibited at any student organization membership recruitment functions. “Recruitment functions” include, but are not limited to, events sponsored by Greek lettered organizations, student organizations, department clubs, athletic teams or special interest groups.
Marijuana Policy
Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug according to the Controlled Substances Act. Thus, the use, possession, cultivation, or sale of marijuana violates federal policy. Federal grants are subject to university compliance with the Drug Free Communities and Schools Act, and the Drug Free Workplace Act. The college is also subject to the Controlled Substances Act. This prohibits the college from allowing any form of marijuana use on campus.
Medical Marijuana Policy
For those students who obtain a Medical Cannabis registry card from the Illinois Department of Public Health, the College will consider a request for accommodation which should be made to the office of Disability Services. While an accommodation will not permit the possession or consumption of medical marijuana on campus or at college-sponsored events, an accommodation may include a request to be released from a college housing and dining contract. In those situations in which the College approves the accommodation releasing the student from college housing and dining contracts, the student will be released from the contract(s) with no financial penalty. Any payments made to the college for dining services or housing facilities will be returned to the student in proportion to the remainder of their time on a college meal plan or in college residence halls.
Applicability of the Alcohol & Drug Policies
This policy applies to all students and registered student organizations, and their guests on any College owned or leased property, as well as off-campus. Off campus conduct that violates this policy, or any local, state or federal laws regulating drug or alcohol use, will subject a student to disciplinary or other appropriate action.
The “activities” to which this policy applies may include any act or event sponsored or organized by the College, including its constituent administrative and academic units as well as any registered student organizations. Without limitation, activities shall include but will not necessarily be limited to: all intercollegiate and intramural athletic events, faculty, staff and student meetings, conferences, Greek-lettered organization events, field trips, retreats and all other activities or events for which the College pays any expenses or provides facilities, services, supplies or transportation.
Social Host Law
The law places greater responsibility on those who host underage drinkers. Specifically, the law provides that a person is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor who authorizes or permits underage individuals to possess or consume alcohol in the person’s residence. This means that if you host a party – even if it is BYOB – where you know there is underage drinking happening, you could be arrested and fined between $500 and $2,500.
Additionally, if violation of this law directly or indirectly results in “great bodily harm or death” to any person, the social host is guilty of a Class 4 felony. This means a minimum of one year in jail, among other serious penalties.
Enforcement of the Policies
Each member of the campus community is encouraged to support the objectives of these policies. The associate dean of student success shall have primary responsibility for monitoring and enforcing this policy for the student body. The associate dean of student success along with representatives from Residential Life, and Chesley Health & Wellness Center, will continue to study, develop and evaluate the program of education for the campus community dealing with the implications of alcohol and drug use. These policies shall be subject to periodic review by the board of trustees working together with students, faculty and administrators for this purpose.
As a part of encouraging responsible lifestyles, Illinois College strives to provide education about alcohol and other drug use, encourage responsible choices and intervene in situations where it has knowledge of individual misuse and abuse of chemicals. The College recognizes that substance abuse is a serious problem that may require professional assistance and treatment. Accordingly, a variety of services are available to students who seek education and/or assistance for substance abuse problems. These resources include information and confidential counseling through the Chesley Health and Wellness Center. The College will encourage and provide reasonable help for members of the College community who seek treatment for chemical dependency.
Disciplinary Actions
Alcohol or other drugs possessed or consumed in violation of these policies are subject to confiscation and/or disposal and any student in possession of or who has consumed alcohol or other drugs is subject to the disciplinary process set forth herein, as well as possible criminal prosecution under applicable local, state or federal laws.
All disciplinary actions will be handled by the Associate Dean of Student Success or designee. These disciplinary actions may be adjusted by these individuals depending upon the seriousness of the incident and the individual student’s circumstances related to alcohol/drug use. Appropriate College officials (examples include coaches, faculty advisors, organization advisors, etc.) will be notified of alcohol/drug violations.
- A first alcohol/drug offense will result in a fine up to $100, Disciplinary warning, and the completion of AlcoholEdu for Sanctions or Marijuana 101.
- A second alcohol/drug offense will result in a fine up to $200 and Disciplinary Probation. The student will also be required to complete the Second Chance Educational Program at Chesley Health and Wellness Center. If two alcohol/drug violations occur in one semester, parental notification will occur.
- A third alcohol/drug offense will result in a fine up to $300, Deferred Suspension, completion of an alcohol/drug assessment by Chesley Health and Wellness Center, parental notification and participation in a “Responsible Choices” educational program for the required number of sessions following the incident.
- A fourth alcohol/drug offense will result in a disciplinary suspension from the College. The student may be allowed to defer their suspension by agreeing to participate in a multidisciplinary team approach. The student will meet and work with members of a multidisciplinary team. An individualized plan monitored by the team members will assist the student with making responsible changes and choices. Parental notification will occur. Failure to comply with the program and follow through on the plan may result in suspension and/or dismissal from the College. The associate dean of student success will authorize and coordinate the course of any actions and necessary sanctions.
Students are reminded of Illinois College’s judicial policy of required compliance. Failure to comply will result in additional disciplinary actions.
Registration and Catering of Activities
Illinois College recognizes that registered student organizations may wish to sponsor an activity at which alcohol is served. In recognition of this fact, any registered student organization may apply to sponsor an activity or event at which alcohol is served. Only those properly registered activities and events will be permitted.
The following regulations and procedures will apply to any such activity or event at which alcohol is served:
- Sponsors must register all on- and off-campus activities by completing and submitting an alcohol event registration form no less than 14-days in advance of the activity. This form is available through the Center for Student Involvement, located on the first floor of the Caine Student Center.
- Open parties, meaning those with unrestricted access are prohibited.
- Sponsors must ensure that at any activity where alcohol is to be served, whether on-campus or off-campus, only Illinois College students and their invited guests are in attendance. Illinois College students must present a valid IC identification card in order to gain admission to the sponsored event. The sponsor must also provide a guest list to the Center for Student Involvement two days prior to the scheduled activity. Sponsors should be aware that a limit on the number of guests may be imposed by the Center for Student Involvement depending on any relevant risk management or safety concerns.
- Sponsors are responsible for the behavior of those attending the activity. If a sponsor of a registered activity or event fails to maintain appropriate control over the behavior of those in attendance, then the sponsor (including any individual officers or members) may also be subject to disciplinary action.
- Sponsors must coordinate security for the activity through the Department of Public Safety if event is on campus.
- Sponsors may not serve or sell alcohol directly. Sponsors must arrange for and cooperate with the event caterer to establish a means by which the caterer will serve alcohol and by which the caterer will ensure that only individuals of legal age are allowed to consume alcohol.
- Unless otherwise designated, the caterer for any such on-campus event will be the College’s licensed caterer, Chartwells.
- Sponsors must assume all financial costs associated with the event (including but not necessarily limited to: custodial, security, damages, food and beverage). No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with College funds.
- Sponsors must ensure that adequate food and non-alcoholic beverages are provided for all activities at which alcohol is served.
- Sponsors may not use Illinois College’s name, seal, logo or the name of any registered student organization affiliated with Illinois College in any commercial sponsorship relating to alcohol; i.e., beer distributors, bars, taverns, unless the sponsorship is approved in advance by the assistant dean of students and/or the Center for Student Involvement.
- Likewise, registered student organizations may not co-sponsor an activity with an alcohol distributor, bar or tavern. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a bar or tavern that is for the purpose of fundraising. A registered student organization may rent or use a room or area of a bar or tavern for a closed event, held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party alcohol vendor and a guest list.
- Only on-campus activities which are properly registered and at which alcohol is to be served by the licensed caterer may be advertised on campus.