Core Courses
Beyond the core courses, a student without an AOD Counseling Concentration will take PS 261: Drugs, Behavior, and Neuropharmacology and will choose to take either the Psychology or Sociology methods sequence and respective capstone requirement.
Psychology Sequence
Sociology Sequence
Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Counseling Concentration
An AOD Counseling Concentration is available for Behavioral Health majors and includes the following substitutions:
- PS 356 Intro to Addictive Disorders and PS 357 Assessment & Treatment for Addiction for PS 261 Drugs, Behavior, and Neuropharmacology.
- PS 455 AOD Practicum I and PS 456 AOD Practicum II for the capstone (PS 401 or SO 384).
Students pursuing the AOD Counseling Concentration will still take either PS 243 & PS 244 or SO 210 & SO 286.
Students majoring in Behavioral Health may double major in Sociology of Psychology; however, there must be a minimum of 24 credits of non-duplicated coursework for each major. Students may pursue a minor in Sociology or Psychology with a maximum of 8 credits double counting for the major and minor.
At least 50% of overall requirements for the major in Behavioral Health must be taken at Illinois College.
Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Counseling Stand-Alone Licensure
Instructor Sarah Seely - Training Program Coordinator
Illinois College also offers a stand-along CADC Program which will accept students who have already earned a bachelor's degree and who have completed Introduction to Psychology. These students will then be able to meet the criteria to become a Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor. The stand-alone CADC program totals 24 hours (not including Introduction to Psychology) and can be completed in one year. If a student has not taken Introduction to Psychology, Illinois College offers this course online so students can gain entrance into the program.