Interdisciplinary Studies


IC 102: Leveling Up in the Library

This course will teach students the ins and outs of college-level research. It will ensure students are prepared to meet their professors' research expectations when it comes to preparing papers, presentations, speeches, and other projects. Students will learn a variety of searching techniques and information evaluation strategies. Taught by a librarian who will work closely with students throughout the course. Enrolls concurrently with EN 121 but may optionally be taken by transfer students and students enrolled in EN 208.

IC 103: First Year Foundations

The subject of this class is SUCCESS...what success is for students personally and how students can achieve it. In the coming weeks, students will learn many proven strategies for creating greater academic, professional and personal success. We will use guided journal writings to explore these strategies.

IC 121: Career Exploration in Liberal Arts

The purpose of this course will be for students to begin to understand how their career exploration can be enhanced by their liberal arts experience. Students will utilize various methods of self-discovery to help them identify potential majors and career directions that might align with their skills, qualities, and interests, while also exploring what IC has to offer through its general education curriculum.

IC 421: Graduate READY: Career Strategies

Students will learn how to transition from the college campus to a workplace environment through this interactive course. Within a supportive learning community, students will develop strategies from executing a successful job search to beginning their entry-level job or graduate program. Course topics in preparing for the role as new young professional include determining personal strengths through self-reflection and assessment, locating and applying for available positions, successfully interviewing, and identifying workplace “rules of the game."