


Required Courses

History majors must complete a minimum of 37 semester hours (nine courses and a 1-hour proseminar) in the discipline, including at least two and no more than three courses at the 100-level, HI 200, HI 300, and HI 485. Students will also complete at least one 300+ course in United States history and one 300+ course in non-U.S. history. It is expected that students will have attained junior standing before enrolling in 300-level courses. Majors are strongly encouraged to pursue internship opportunities and off-campus study. Some departmental funds may be available to support these activities.

Sub-Total Credits

Concentration in Public History

Students may choose a concentration in Public History, which consists of three courses and an internship. The three courses will replace elective courses in the History major. Students with a particular interest in careers in historical administration are also encouraged to pursue a minor in Entrepreneurship, as skills in accounting and finance are essential in maintaining historic and cultural sites. The concentration requirements are three from the following: HI 177, HI 276, HI 279, and HI 379.

The concentration requirements are three from the following:

Item #
Sub-Total Credits


Honors in History can be earned by majors who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in History and write an exceptional capstone research paper, as judged by the members of the department. Students who write an outstanding essay but whose GPA is below the threshold for honors will be awarded Capstone Essay with Distinction.

Total Credits