
Behavioral Health

Beyond the core courses, a student without an AOD Counseling Concentration will take PS 261: Drugs, Behavior, and Neuropharmacology and will choose to take either the Psychology or Sociology methods sequence and respective capstone requirement.

Sociology Sequence

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Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Counseling Concentration

An AOD Counseling Concentration is available for Behavioral Health majors and includes the following substitutions: 

  • PS 356 Intro to Addictive Disorders and PS 357 Assessment & Treatment for Addiction for PS 261 Drugs, Behavior, and Neuropharmacology.
  • PS 455 AOD Practicum I and PS 456 AOD Practicum II for the capstone (PS 401 or SO 384).

Students pursuing the AOD Counseling Concentration will still take either PS 243 & PS 244 or SO 210 & SO 286.

Students majoring in Behavioral Health may double major in Sociology of Psychology; however, there must be a minimum of 24 credits of non-duplicated coursework for each major. Students may pursue a minor in Sociology or Psychology with a maximum of 8 credits double counting for the major and minor.

At least 50% of overall requirements for the major in Behavioral Health must be taken at Illinois College.

Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Counseling Stand-Alone Licensure

Instructor Sarah Seely - Training Program Coordinator

Illinois College also offers a stand-along CADC Program which will accept students who have already earned a bachelor's degree and who have completed Introduction to Psychology. These students will then be able to meet the criteria to become a Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor. The stand-alone CADC program totals 24 hours (not including Introduction to Psychology) and can be completed in one year. If a student has not taken Introduction to Psychology, Illinois College offers this course online so students can gain entrance into the program.

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