Section 3 - Prohibited Behaviors

The behaviors listed below are specifically applied to the behaviors of RSOs/GLOs by virtue of the conduct of the members of the organization. Individuals who are members of a RSO/GLO may, through their actions, subject the organization to disciplinary action under the Illinois College Student Organization Code of Conduct, whether or not those individuals are also adjudicated under the Code of Student Conduct. 

Abuse of Process – A RSO/GLO, or someone acting on behalf of an RSO/GLO, violates the Illinois College Student Organization Code of Conduct by directly or indirectly abusing or interfering with the College investigation/adjudication process by engaging in one or more of the following:

  • falsifying, distorting, or misrepresenting information or colluding to do the same in the investigation/adjudication process
  • destroying or concealing information
  • attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in the investigation and/or adjudication process
  • harassing or intimidating (verbally or physically) any person involved in the College processes before, during, and/or following proceedings (including up to, throughout, and after any outcome)
  • unauthorized disclosure of a reporting party’s identifying information
  • failing to comply with a temporary measure or other sanction
  • distributing or otherwise publicizing materials created or produced during an investigation as a part of these policies or procedures, except as required by law or as expressly permitted by Illinois College
  • influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit abuse of process.

Aiding in Academic Misconduct – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in behaviors that would constitute cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation and/or other forms of Academic Misconduct (See\code_of_integrity). Evidence of a violation of this policy must demonstrate systemic participation and or knowledge of misconduct beyond 1-2 RSO/GLO members participating in the violation.

Alcohol – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any behavior that would constitute a violation of the Illinois College alcohol policy would constitute a violation of this policy. All members of the RSO/GLO are responsible for being fully aware of the requirements of the Illinois College Alcohol & Drug policy as well as local, state, and federal laws regarding alcohol and other drugs. Relevant policy provisions include, but are not limited to:

  • Only those students of legal drinking age (21 years and older) may possess or consume alcohol. RSOs/GLOs must have a way to identify (wrist band, etc.) students of legal drinking age at events
  • Providing alcohol to a minor or assisting a minor in any way in obtaining alcohol is a violation of state law and is expressly prohibited
  • Possessing, furnishing, consuming or serving from a common source of alcohol (i.e., kegs, beer balls, punch bowls or other source of 12 or more servings), unless being served and monitored by a licensed vendor after properly registering an event for provision of alcohol is strictly prohibited
  • Drinking games, beer funnels, beer pong tables and other practices or materials that encourage unsafe or rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited
  • Alcohol is prohibited at any RSO/GLO membership recruitment functions

Alleged Violations of Law – Any alleged violations of federal, state and local laws may be investigated and adjudicated under the Illinois College Student Organization Code of Conduct. When an offense occurs over which the College has jurisdiction, the College conduct process will usually move forward notwithstanding any criminal complaint that may arise from the same incident.

Arrest Policy – RSO/GLO leadership fails to notify the appropriate Illinois College officials (Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Students, and/or Director of Residential Life & Campus Safety) within 48 hours if a member of the RSO/GLO is arrested and detained as a result of any actions or behaviors taking place at or arising out of a RSO/GLO-sponsored event.

Bullying/Cyberbullying – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves, or otherwise participates in any behavior that would constitute bullying and/or cyberbullying, which are defined as repeated and/or severe aggressive behaviors that intimidate or intentionally harm or control another person physically or emotionally, and are not protected by freedom of expression.

Damage/Destruction of Property – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any behavior that damages/destroys property would constitute a violation of this policy.

Disruptive Activity/Disorderly Conduct – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any behavior that would disrupt/obstruct teaching, research, and/or administration of the College and/or commits acts that would be considered to breach the peace, lewd, indecent or obscene would constitute a violation of this policy.

Drugs or Other Controlled Substances – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any behavior that would constitute a violation of the College drug policy would constitute a violation of this policy.

Engaging in Harmful/Potentially Harmful Behaviors – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any activity that would constitute physical abuse or would endanger the safety, health or well-being of other individuals or groups or would cause reasonable apprehension of such harm, constitutes a violation of this policy. For the purposes of this policy, engaging in harmful or potentially harmful behaviors, includes, but is not limited to, the following: acts of physical or verbal abuse; actions which intimidate, harass, threaten, coerce, or otherwise endanger the health or safety of oneself or others; and/or fighting. This Code would also apply to RSO/GLO members who could intervene and fail to do so.

Failure to Comply – The RSO/GLO or its representatives fail to comply with the reasonable directives of Illinois College officials or designees or law enforcement officers during the performance of their duties. This would include failure to comply with any interim measures instituted during any investigation/adjudication process, or failure to comply with any outcomes assigned to a RSO/GLO at the completion of the conduct process.

Financial Obligations – Failure to promptly meet financial responsibilities to the College, including, but not limited to; misusing funds obtained through Illinois College.

Hazing – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any behavior that would constitute a violation of the College hazing policy would constitute a violation of this policy. Hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. For the purposes of this policy, “approved or otherwise participates” would include observation of hazing activities by individuals in a position to intervene but who fail to intervene, including organization officers/leaders who are aware of planned hazing activities and condone or fail to prevent that hazing from occurring, regardless of their participation.

Retaliation –The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any behavior that would constitute retaliation under this policy.  Retaliation is defined as any adverse action towards any person for reporting an alleged violation of this policy or for cooperating with or otherwise participating in any College investigation and/or participating in the conduct process. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, verbal or implied threats, physical or psychological abuse, intimidation, harassment (verbal or written), or any other action intended to create a hostile environment for the intended target of the retaliation. In addition, isolation may constitute retaliation under this policy if the target of the isolation is deprived of an educational opportunity or benefit as a result of that isolation.

Sexual Misconduct and/or Gender-based Violence – The RSO/GLO aids, abets, incites, organizes, approves or otherwise participates in any behavior that would constitute a violation of the Illinois College Policy on Gender Based, Sexual & Interpersonal Violence policy ( would constitute a violation of this policy.

Trademark/Copyright Violations – The RSO/GLO engages in unauthorized use (including misuse) of Illinois College or organizational names and images.

Violations of University/College Policies – Violating, attempting to violate, or assisting in the violation of any other Illinois College policy, contract, rule, bylaw and/or regulation of the College may constitute a violation of the Illinois College Student Organization Code of Conduct.