CH 314: Instrumental Methods: Forensics

Credits 4.0

Intended for Chemistry or Biochemistry majors, this course will survey the major classes of chemical instrumentation. The focus of the course will be on applications in the field of forensic chemistry, but the general principles are relevant to anyone planning for careers involving laboratory work in the molecular sciences. The three main classes of instrumentations surveyed include: 1) Spectroscopic Methods such as UV-visible, infrared, Raman, fluorescence, and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), 2) Mass Spectrometry, and 3) Chromatographic Methods such as gas chromatography (GC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Samples preparation methods such as solid phase extraction (SPE) and headspace analysis will also be surveyed. The course will also examine forensic methods for the analysis of arson/fire debris, document analysis, bulk drugs, explosive residues, glass, paints, and toxicology (blood alcohol and drug metabolites in urine). Three hours of classes meetings plus one three-hour lab meeting per week. Counts as an advanced course towards the Chemistry major or as an elective course for the Biochemistry major. Course also counts as writing extensive (WEE) and ethical responsible actions (ERA) embedded skills within the Chemistry and Biochemistry majors. Offered alternate fall semester. Prerequisite: CH 211 Quantitative Chemical Analysis or permission of the instructor.

Prerequisite Courses