Dual Degree Program

Health Sciences with 2-2 Nursing



Students pursuing a career in nursing may complete the prerequisite courses at Illinois College in two years and apply for admission to St. John’s School of Nursing for an additional two years.

End of First Two Semesters Checkpoint Requirements

At the end of their first two semesters, students wishing to continue in the program must have met the following checkpoint requirements:

  1. Complete the first-year program (Seminar, EN 121, and CO 101),
  2. Complete or test out of the mathematics course required for CH 110 (MA 133),
  3. Complete BI 110 (or BI 107), CH 110 , and PS 101,
  4. Complete one additional required course (e.g., SO 101, PO 101, or 102-level language),
  5. Complete all courses required for the program with a final grade of C or above,
  6. Overall GPA of 3.0,
  7. Develop a plan for completing the required additional coursework, including all BLUEprint requirements, in consultation with an advisor in the Biology Department or the Health Professions Advisor.
  8. Submit a personal statement outlining their current career plans.

Requirements after Completion of Fourth Year

After successful completion of the fourth year of study at St. John’s, students will earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences from Illinois College and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. John’s.

Students must complete the following at Illinois College to be eligible to start the coursework at St. John’s:

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Students who plan to participate in the 2-2 Program in Nursing with St. John’s School of Nursing are transfer students who transfer out of Illinois College but still receive a degree from Illinois College. Because they receive degrees from both Illinois College and St. John’s School of Nursing, these students need to fulfill the general education requirements of both. In acknowledgement of the curricular constraints posed by this situation, the following accommodations will be made. They will be allowed only for those students in the 2-2 Program in Nursing who successfully complete the nursing program at St. John’s School of Nursing.

  • Students in the 2-2 Program in Nursing will complete their Ethical & Responsible Actions course in their major at St. John’s.
  • Students in the 2-2 Program in Nursing will complete their major and other Information Literacy courses at St. John’s.
  • Since participants in the 2-2 Program in Nursing attend Illinois College for only two years, they will fulfill their senior capstone course or experience at St. John’s School of Nursing and will be considered to have completed all embedded experiences that are expected to be part of the capstone course.

While attending Illinois College, specific courses are recommended to be taken at IC for other BLUEprint requirements that will also fulfill St. John’s admission requirements. See the Illinois College Biology department chair for full requirements

Note: A student may need to take one or more summer courses to complete all Illinois College requirements before transferring to St. John’s School of Nursing. Students who do not start their first year on this plan may choose to do the exchange as a 3-2 program.

Students who choose to complete the B.S. in Health Sciences during their third and fourth year at Illinois College must complete two additional directed electives, HS 402 Health Sciences Senior Seminar and a social science/humanities elective from the list on page 107.

Transfer and dual-credit courses may count towards completion of the program, but students must complete at least 32 credit hours at Illinois College to be eligible to transfer to St. John’s School of Nursing. By the end of their second year, students will have completed at least 65 credits at Illinois College. After completion of the third and fourth year at St. John’s, students will transfer back approximately 65 credits from St. John’s.

Total Credits